Reliable and mobile wide-area surveillance - round the clock
Keep vast, sprawling areas under constant surveillance in remote mode
Rising water levels, flooding, sand drifts, pollution, technical faults... there are many factors with the potential to wreak havoc with water management processes. Continuous monitoring systems are a crucial part of any water supply plant or wastewater treatment facility.
Collection, treatment and distribution systems sprawl over vast areas, meaning that reliable and highly available methods are required to remotely monitor such systems.
Efficiency in the event of a failure, personal safety and compliance with legal requirements are clearly at the top of the agenda.
Key challenges facing the sector
Ensure continuous service
Maximize personnel mobility and safety across the site
Comply with environmental standards
Take account of the vast area where systems are located
Our solutions
Our software programs allow users to factor in the specific requirements of the market while offering a reliable solution for keeping facilities under constant observation:
Redundant software architecture to ensure service continuity in the event of an outage in the primary workstation
Centralization of alarms from various technical systems and support for multiple sites
Features for controlling message transmissions
Management of LWP alarms (lone worker protection)
Voice-user interface for making enquiries and requesting field actions
(flow release times, requests for reinforcements, etc.)
Alarms managed remotely with a web browser, client workstation and mobile app
Water Management
Micromedia has a long track record of delivering software solutions to the water management industry
Our applications
Many towns, urban areas and operators in the water management industry have placed their trust in our solutions to monitor their installations and facilities.
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