SCADA systems

The perfect ally for ramping up mobility and accelerating response times

Scores of industrial supervisory control systems are available in the market, offering highly sophisticated features for keeping facilities under close scrutiny. However, when users want to notify alarms to operators, they are either faced with a dead end or required to make do with a simple email or text message.

In an effort to fulfil an increasingly complex set of needs, we have developed several dedicated connectors for the main SCADA solutions to simplify the process of interconnecting systems. ALERT acts as an extension to the SCADA system by adding leading-edge features for notifying alarms and managing on-call teams.

However, if the legacy SCADA system does not have its own connector, ALERT can also retrieve information from the system by OPC, DDE and many other channels (SQL database, text files, incoming emails, incoming SMS messages, etc.).

Similarly, users can bypass the SCADA system and retrieve information directly from the automated systems using standard automation protocols.

SCADA: Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition*

Industrial supervisory control systems

A dedicated connector presents the following main advantages:

  • Simplified import of the database of existing alarms into the supervisory control systems with all their attributes (identifier, message, priority, group, etc.), thereby preventing users from having to re-enter the monitored data and associated parameters
  • Dynamic creation of the alarms in the monitoring system with the option of creating processing filters
  • Two-way transmission of alarm states between ALERT and the monitoring system (acknowledgement and masking of alarms)


ALERT can process alarms from a wide range of industrial SCADAs

SCADA systems and ALERT

Vendor SCADA  Interconnection... dedicated connector OPC protocol other means
ARC Informatique PCVue X
Citinnov ViaSoftGTC X X
Codra Panorama P2
Codra Panorama E2


Elutions Control Maestro X
GE Cimplicity X
GE iFix X
Honeywell EBI X
Progea Movicon X X
Prysm Appvision X X
Rockwell RSView X
Sauter Novapro Open
Sauter Novapro Enterprise ✔  ✔ 
Sauter Novapro 32 X X
Sauter Vision Center X
Schneider Electric TAC Vista X ✔  ✔ 
Schneider Electric Struxureware   X
Siemens WinCC
SiemensWinCC OAXX
Siemens  Desigo 
Siemens Desigo CC ✔ (UA) X
Technet NextVision X X
Wonderware InTouch
Wonderware System Platform (ArchestrA) X


Citect SCADA

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